Archive for 2011

Artfully visualising our humanity

This is a great TED talk by Aaron Koblin about  Artfully visualizing our humanity.

I’ve been enjoying Aaron’s work for a while and particularly enjoyed The Wilderness Down Town, which is a great way of pushing the the power of the Google Chrome browser and shows the amazing potential of HTML5.
If that’s all gibberish to you, don’t worry. Open up your Google Chrome browser and go to type in your address and then when it’s finished loading, watch a music clip tailored to your address!


Welcome to Change

Welcome to Films on the Fly.

Films on the Fly, is an emerging Australian startup which wants to foster new paradigm shifts in Entertainment as well as Education and do so in an economically responsible manner.

We are doing this by championing the Multipath Interactive Storytelling concept and promoting Collaborative Communities whilst our For-Benefit principles mean we value success according to our positive impacts to humanity and the environment.

The video will help explain Multipath Storytelling, which is like those old choose-your-own-adventure storybooks, but as online video and expanded further.

We are currently concentrating on Entertainment by developing a web platform which will allow the creation of multiple collaborative communities each based around interactive storytelling.

We also do film work and are based in Adelaide, South Australia and have a presence in Sydney, New South Wales.

If you are doing innovative things then please give us a buzz.


Wanted : Web Designer. Reward : New Entertainment Paradigm

Films on the Fly's primary Logo


Films on the Fly, is a startup company which wants to foster new paradigm changes in Entertainment, Education and Economics.
To start off with we are  focusing on Entertainment with the Multipath Interactive Storytelling Concept.
Remember those old Choose-Your-Own-Adventure videos? Well imagine them as online video and expand the concept even further

Films on the Fly is creating a web platform based around interactive video but needs help.
We have a prototype of the platform, but to proceed much further in development we need an awesome Web Designer. One who is both skilled and creative. A designer who understands User Interface design, who enjoys CSS frameworks like YAML and someone who is interested in a challenge.

FotF's prototype - Infobox Nodemap [Multipath storytelling]

Screenshot of the current prototype, showing that there's a lot of room for improvement

The work will likely cover 1 or 2 days a week for a month, with more work likely if we do well and get further funding.





Hours are flexible, with occasional Skype meetings.
Knowledge of Photoshop, HTML and CSS required. An understanding of jQuery is good, but experience with eye tracking or data visualisation is worth double points.

Films on the Fly is still in early stage startup and has limited funds, however AU$500 have been personally allocated to the project.

Please note : This position has now been filled [30th June 2011]

More information is available at
Up to the challenge? Apply by emailing or calling Michael on +61 433 483 008


The Power of 10,000

This should be a must see video for everyone, gamers, teachers, people who are depressed (and should be playing more games), gaming critics, and especially game designers.

Jane McGonigal starts and ends with the question : We spend 3 Billion hours a week playing computer games. Is it worth it?

The Opposite of Play isn’t work, it’s depression.
– Depression is a pessimistic sense of our own capabilities
– Depression involves a despondent lack of energy.
Gaming reverses this.

Eustress – Positive Stress.

The positive emotions we get from games are already spilling over into our real life.

The keys to flourishing in real life :

  1. Positive Emotion
  2. Relationships
  3. Meaning
  4. Accomplishments

The most important thing to take from all of this is that “With great gaming comes great responsibility


— Update : Ben Nadel has a great post about Martin Seligman’s concepts regarding happiness and PERMA if you want to know more.

Jane McGonigal


Design Outside the Box – Presentation

This is a great presentation by Jesse Schell which covers how Facebook and Facebook games changed the paradigm.
It also covers convergence and divergence and his vision of the future being based on a point rewards system.

© 2011 Films On The Fly
Multipath : Interactive online, collaborative video